I am honored to meet with students or professionals wanting to learn more about sex therapy. But before we meet, please peruse the information here and the websites mentioned. That way, you may have more specific questions about the direction you want to take.
If you are looking for information about AASECT supervision, please email (askcay@yhoo.com) or call (210-831-1905) so we can speak by phone or Zoom. I am no longer accepting supervisees for AASECT certification but I will be glad to discuss the process with you. The guidelines for supervision are available at aasect.org/guidelines-supervision.
In order to be effective in any therapeutic specialty, it is important to be a well-rounded and thoroughly trained therapist to begin with. You will find that through your training in counseling, psychology, social work, or marriage and family therapy, that you are more interested or more adept at working with certain issues than others.
When it comes to sex therapy, paying attention to your biases around sexuality is vital. For example, I knew from the beginning of my training that I did not want to work with sex offenders. I simply cannot be objective with that population. I also knew that I did not want to work with bestiality (people who have sex with animals). As an animal lover (pun intended), my bias is that animals cannot give their consent for sex with people.
To find out what it takes to be AASECT-Certified, go to aasect.org. There are three types of certification depending on your training and your goals; Sex Educator, Sex Counselor, and Sex Therapist.
If you plan to obtain a terminal degree in a human service field, you can be certified as a Sexologist by the American Board of Sexology. Their website is theamericanboardofsexology.com
If you are interested in the research aspect of sexology, then check out the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality (Quad S) at sexscience.org. Quad S also has a list of graduate schools where you can obtain a degree in the sexual sciences.
Another organization to check out is the Society for Sex Therapy and Research (SSTAR) at sstarnet.org. I really enjoy the mix of research and applied sexology at their conferences.